Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mini Gelatinous Cube Mini

A few weeks ago, I posted about making my own Gelatinous Cube minis.  I made them about 2.25 inches square.

Yesterday, my wife finished off a pepper grinder we bought at Costco.

So, I cut the bottom off and slathered it with hot glue.  Here's the final result.

It's the one on the left.  It's smaller, but it's still a very good size.


Anathemata said...

These look awesome. For the first time, GCs look weird and threatening to me.

gregarious monk said...

Love the 'cubes. The smaller one is probably closer to a 10' cube judging by the mini next to it. (Weren't the old-school GCs a 10x10x10 cube?)

Satu Patel said...

Your gelatinous cube is by far the best looking I have found. Thank you for the pictures and post. I originally wanted the official ones made, but almost died looking at the price. Hence the search to make my own.