Saturday, February 21, 2015

Stater's Mystery Men: Can someone help me out?

Well we've wrapped up our "Hulks and Horrors" game for now and we're looking to play Champions.  Problem is, I don't think I'm cut out to *run* Champions anymore.  :(

Too complicated.  Too slow.  To fiddly.  

I was thinking about checking out John Stater's "Mystery Men" but it's gone from his site.  I'd ask him for a copy, but it appears that he can't share it right now due to licensing.  I understand that.

Does anyone else have a copy of the free Mystery Men PDF that they'd be willing to share?  This could be the system I'm looking for.

If you do, please send me a copy -- wilmanric AT gee-mail DOTCOM. 

Many thanks in advance!


  1. Incoming! With character sheets.

  2. Many thanks Carlson! I'm looking forward to reading it. I'll post here how the campaign goes -- either way!
