Sunday, February 22, 2015

[Mystery Men] Combined Attack Powers

One of my players reached out to me and asked about combining attack powers into a single power.  Sounds cool.

First thought - it shouldn't be free to do.

Second thought - it should only be two powers.

Thirdly - those powers shouldn't be incompatible, abusive or redundant.  (No 2x Energy Bolt...)

My "house rule" (at least for now) will be add the costs of the two powers together and add 50%.

The most restrictive conditions of both powers will be enforced for both.  This means if you merge a ranged and a melee power, the combination is now melee.  If one affects a single target and the other has an area, the combined power only affects a single target.

Here are some examples and their costs:

Chilling Curse -A creature you touch takes 1d6 points of hit point damage, 1d4 points of strength damage and either a -6 penalty to one ability score or a -4 penalty on attacks and feats, your choice. The curse lasts until removed with the Remove Curse power or Break Enchantment power.  [16,500]

Poisonous Wounds - Your poisonous touch causes deals 3d8 points of damage to a living creature plus 1d10 points of damage per round until neutralized or until a successful feat of constitution is made.  [24,000]

Chilling Energy Blade of Frost - You create a blade of ice or frost that inflicts 1d8+1/level damage and ignores armor bonuses to DC. You do not add your strength bonus to attack or damage rolls. Metal equipment of the target becomes freezing cold. In the second round after you use this power, the dealing 1d6 points of damage per round for five rounds.  [9,000]

Strike Deaf and Blind - One target within 100 feet is struck blind and deaf.  [9,000]

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