Wednesday, October 23, 2013

DIY Skull Pillars

These are still works in progress, but I wanted to get the word out to all of you so you could buy this stuff before it disappears for another year.

I was at the 0.99 Cent Store the other day when I happened upon these straws --

I thought, "Hey, those look cool!  Stacked skulls!!"  So I bought two packs.

I used scissors to cut through the straws.  I saved those for Warhammer 40k terrain (pipes!!).

I took the stacked skulls and I epoxied them to my "cheapo base of choice!"  The nickel!  It's heavy AND its cheap.  :)

Here's a look.  I haven't painted them or anything -- I will and then I'll do a followup post.

Go out and get some!  10 pillars for $2.50 -- including the nickels!!


  1. Those look shockingly good for something from the dollar store!

  2. I picked some of these up at my local dollar store; they look a little different, but workable. Plus, they separate down the length, so you wind up with 2 half-columns that you can use too.

    My mind's already racing with ideas.
