Friday, September 27, 2013

[Bones] Gorsen, Cleric of Lathander

Now that CotMA is wrapped up, I'm playing rather than DMing.  :)

Here's the mini I painted for my PC --

I'm not a great painter, but he'll do.  :)

PS: I just made 2nd level!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I think that's a perfectly good paint job. Colourful, distinctive and enough detail to be appealing as a character representation.

    I have hundreds of the damned things and it takes forever to paint them. Any effort that looks nice is to be commended.

    Good job, sir!

    (PS: How'd the cute spammer get past all the blogger anti-spam tripwires??)

  3. Looks great. I just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying your blog. I recently got into RPGs and have been trying to learn and absorb all that I can. To someone who is new to all this, your blog is great.
