Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Judges Guild Goodness

I won some eBay auctions and it's just like going back in time to 1983!

Five out of six ARE STILL IN THE ORIGINAL PLASTIC!  Wow!  Awesome!

I'm so looking forward to reading these.  JG products have a charm all their own.  Sure, they're quirky -- but so are the dungeons that I made myself.    :)
click to embiggen
It's hard to read, but the LL corner is "Of Skulls and Scrapfaggot Green" -- Just HAD TO BUY that one so that I'll know what it's all about.


  1. Rat on a Stick, in the tunnels with the trolls, Woot woot!

  2. Jim you win king of the blogs today my man. That is a great haul. And no stickers on them (that was for you James). I only have two of them. Now I am going on ebay and check what's left.

  3. Ooh... still in the package!

    That is a fantastic purchase, congratulations!

  4. Cool, but not all that surprising to find them in plastic. These were still for sale new in original wrapping, presumably from a warehouse somewhere, within the last 10 years... and still at original cover price. That's how I acquired ALL of my JG collection.

    I never really had the option to buy them back in the day, but got a lot of them from a site that seemed to have a ton of them left over. This was just before the real boom in old school gaming popularity online, so they weren't exactly selling out fast at the time. I suppose that site is gone now.

  5. Not to be a downer, but shrinked versions of these were more common than dirt a few years ago. Still; F'Dech Fo's is a good mini-scenario/setting thing, and Scrapfaggot Green is a very interesting look into the 70s tournament scene at least. Rat on a Stick is more notable for the title IIRC.

  6. "Rat on a Stick is more notable for the title IIRC."

    Rat on a Stick is a helluva lot of fun. I've ran it several times for D&D. It's a little rough in spots, but overall a great little dungeon romp.

  7. Rat on a stick is a great adventure. Bought it when it first came out and ran it for friends. Boy, that was a long time ago.

    - Neil.

  8. "Of Skulls & Scapfaggot Green" does not look actually playable. By contrast I had a great time running The Ilhiedrin Book online at Dragonsfoot recently, using Labyrinth Lord and setting it in the Wilderlands, north of the Battleplain Gwalion. It needs some work, but has lots of cool NPCs and a good plot. "Operation Ogre" is a bit crude, again a tournament module, unlike 'Skulls' it looks playable with work.

  9. Jeff Rients, Neil: I stand corrected! Since I never actually ran it, I defer to your judgement. :)
