Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Couple More Additions to My OSR Collection

I printed up a copy of -C's Tricks booklet.  Do yourself a favor and do the same.  It's chock full of goodness.

I also took the JD Jarvis' tables over at Aeons & Auguries and made a little "Dungeoneer Cache" booklet.

I used Limpey's art from here as the cover.

Great stuff!


  1. Neat. Hope you get lot's of use out of those tables.

  2. Was not expecting to see that on the table.

    How did you get it printed?

  3. @JD - Oh I will. Those tables are great.
    @ -C - The copier I used has a setting. I printed it at full size then I plopped it on the sheet feeder in numerical order. You choose the setting and it collates and organizes the pages internally. Then I took the cover page and copied it doublesided to color paper. Easy peasy.

  4. I am going to have to see if the copier at work can do that. Thanks for the idea.
