Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Eruption (part 3)

Here's page 3 of the 9/6/85 issue of The Eruption.

I think it's fair to say that I ran a pretty eccentric campaign.  You could rent magic items and flying animals.  You could have pizza delivered to your party in the middle of a dungeon.  You could take pictures of the dungeon with a "magical picture taker."  

Numerous NPCs were highlighted in the issue.  Bozod the Restorer was actually used by the PCs when a hero lost an arm.  Bozod replaced it with a giant crab claw.  Awesome.  

I'm actually disappointed that the PCs didn't sign on with Prof. Phineas Q. Rathbone, Captain of the Air for his balloon adventure.  :(  That would have been great.

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