Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Death, Dismemberment and Dangerous Damage Table Redux

I've added a column for "Chaos" on my DD&DD table.  The font is really small now to fit it on one side of one sheet of paper.  Sorry.  If I add any more columns/categories -- I'll split it onto two pages and make the text larger.

You can see the table below:
click to embiggen
The new PDF version is available in the Files section on the right.

I'm personally having great fun with this table.  You'd have to ask my players if they like it, but on the whole, I think they do.

There's a sense of drama and tension at the table when a PC has to roll the 2d6...  Of course, the alternative to the table is just PC death, so I think having a shot at something else by using the table is preferable, but that might just be me...

In this system, HPs have become something more like a PCs "luck" and when it runs out, a grisly death (possibly) awaits...


  1. What is the "chaos" column for, exactly?

  2. @Joseph -- my "bad guys" are usually chaotic in nature (demons, undead, etc.) and so their magic is usually dark, tainted, nasty stuff. When a dark sorcerer blasts a PC with a magic missile, it's not the nice, clean "force energy" that a PC wizard blasts, but instead it's "chaos". Kind of a nod to Warhammer Fantasy. :)

  3. I've been using the chart in my game and it's been a lot of fun. The chance of actual instant death is somewhat diminished maiming and deformation is a great addition to the game. I'll be using the new chart as well.
