Tuesday, May 27, 2014

This Monster HAS TO BE A Parody.... Doesn't it?

See for yourself...

Half-Tarrasque Hydraic Medusa Serpent Queen

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. Lol, all that and if you're munchkin enough to drop it you'll find you failed anyway:

    "The serpent queen can be slain only in battle if it is wounded at least once by a magic wand crafted by a demon of 7th level or higher."

    I'd say it needs psionics to be more ultimate.

  2. The author used to run "saveversusdeath.com" to promote "Fourthcore" - a hardcore 4th edition D&D - which read to me people entirely like a parody, although supposedly it was serious.

    http://www.koboldpress.com/k/front-page15918.php#.U4WhkRVX-uY makes his philosophy sound coherent, if entirely badwrongfun to me.

  3. looks like an extreme example of a boss monster to me. Likely no parody intended.

  4. Thanks all. It's an interesting monster. I guess I'm just old... :)

  5. Other then the bizarre codified pedigree it really isn't very different from a arch devil or demon lord. They always had too many powers and gimmicks for me.
