Saturday, September 21, 2013

Epic Conclusion of a Campaign - The Pics

Back at the end of August, I wrote about the epic end of my Castle of the Mad Archmage (CotMA) Campaign.

I made a 3D cavern for the epic final battle.  My players took some pictures of the cavern and I'm posting them here.  I hope you enjoy them.
Some excellent minis painted by my player JW.  Left to right, Hanuman, Kalen (in the box) and Knand.

In the pic above, Kalen (Hasted, Minor Globe and Stoneskin) is in battle with some hezrou demons and a vampire.  To his left, Morgrim (Stoneskin, Prayer, Prot Evil, Haste) is also battling.  Down below, Grunbar, Henri (both Hasted and Stoneskinned) are fighting alongside the polymorphed hobbit sneak, Hildigrim (Gold Dragon.)

 In the above pic, I'm setting up the battle.  The hordes in the lowest part are all ghouls.  Orcus and his balor General sit near his Bone Throne.  Anti-magic crystals and smoking Dark Cauldrons can be seen in the pic.  The trapped form of Gloomstorm the Shadow Dragon.

 Undead harpies, vrock, angels and shadow monster dragons do battle in the air above the ghouls.  The black curly thing is a line of "Grasping Shadows" cast by Biata to keep the ghouls at bay.

Lots of flyers at various levels.  I use Hook Horrors as vrock.  

It was epic!  Thanks gang for the great pics!


  1. Incredible effort, sir! That looked like a fantastic battle!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. @Christian -- Thanks! It was great! I enjoyed it all!

  4. I love the caverns! Fantastic use of terrain - simple and very effective. I especially like the platforms on poles. An idea I may borrow for our next game.

  5. wow. Where do I sign up for the next campaign you run?!?

  6. I'm so sad its all fact, it never even happened.

  7. @Nether Kraken -- Do you live in the Phoenix area?
    @Thanatos -- Well, if you ask Orcus, he's been thwarted AGAIN...

  8. Nope sir. I'm a couple states away. But I'm seriously considering moving! How to convince the wife. ;)
