Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wizard Says "Enjoy the 500th Post!"

Here's a plastic Games Workshop mini that's been primed and unpainted for quite some time.  I think he turned out quite well.  I believe he's an "elemental wizard" or somesuch -- I think the old WH Fantasy had "themed" wizards.  He'd be fire I think!  :)

Here's another pic.  As you may know, I'm a bit of a DIY person.  I'm not opposed to recycling materials to make something.  Here's my paint setup -- I made it from a few boxes.  It holds all my paint stuff in a relatively organized fashion.  It's all hot glued together and the main box is intact so it bears the vast majority of the weight.  The back tiers are the opposite ends of a flat Chobani yogurt box.  Chobani tubs make excellent water cups for painting.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on the wizard. I had a few of those plastic boxed sets back in the day. I wish GW would release a few more of them. They were cheap and encouraged impulse purchases.
