Tuesday, July 16, 2013

[Bones] More Progress...

Here are a few more old Grenadier hirelings/henchmen...  Just love these guys.  Such character.  :)
Nice to have a few non-combatant hirelings...

Here's a Chronoscope (?) Bones.  I'm planning to use her as Sgt. Telion in my WH40k Banecorp Space Marine Army.
I think she turned out pretty well.


  1. Great idea for the use of the Chronoscope minis, Jim! I was wondering what to do with them, myself. But I have a Crimson Fists army and she would, indeed, make an excellent 'Sgt. Telion.' Thanks for the idea!

  2. @Sean -- you are welcome. Post a pic when you finish her up! PS: I'm thinking about using the Gun-gorilla as a dreadnaught... :) I only play in friendly games, so, I can get away with this sort of thing.
