Sunday, February 24, 2013


I have been playing/running D&D since 1980 and I've never fought and/or used an Otyugh until 2012.

That's my burden to bear.  :(

Anyway, this is an Otyugh.
It's basically a sewer monster that eats excrement.  Nice.  Awful thing.

I purchased some unpainted plastic mini Otyughs.  From here.  I decided to paint them up.  Here's the result.

I used hot glue to create the drool.  I painted it green.  I figure this was an effective way to make the 3 otyughs different.  :)

Hope you like them!


  1. Nice job!

    I like the pathfinder take on these guys - that they're not only intelligent, but also reasonable to deal with. I like the idea of something so alien being maybe the most tractable thing the players run into.

  2. Thanks for the link. I ordered a Otyugh mini and a Gibbering Mouther. Much cheaper than buying a pre-painted one.

  3. @Scrivener -- I'll need to read that write-up. Sounds cool.
    @Sean -- Thanks!
    @Greg -- Welcome. I ordered 5 Gib Mouthers myself; will be doing a post on those soon!

  4. BTW, did you prime your Otyugh's first before painting? Also did you do paint the base black?

  5. @Greg -- I didn't. I washed them to get the "oil" off, but I didn't prime them. If I did it over again, I would. I scratched the paint in one spot and it came off too easily. :( Yes. I did paint the base black. If I primed them, I would have painted them either black or grey. Maybe black. Would have made the base painting easier. :)
