Saturday, December 8, 2012

Wizard Level Titles

Back in the old AD&D days, each time a wizard would gain a level, they'd gain a new level title.  Here's the chart --
I had this thought --
What if, at each title change, the wizard gained a small power bonus?  They would only have one of these bonuses at any time.  Once they reached name level (Wizard) they can choose any one bonus permanently.  At 18th level (Archmage) they can choose another.
This would represent the changing magical emphasis - experimentation with multiple eldritch energies - as the wizard progresses in level.

This might not be a new idea - and I haven't tested it - but the bonuses shouldn't be too unbalancing.  YMMV.

Level Title Bonus
Prestidigitator For any illusion spell, the Prestidigitator may re-roll any random element associated with the spell, taking either roll.
Evoker For any evocation spell, the Evoker may re-roll any random element associated with
the spell, taking either roll.
Conjurer For any conjuration spell, the Conjurer may re-roll any random element
associated with the spell, taking either roll.  When casting Find Familiar, treat the Conjurer as if double their level.
Theurgist For any divination spell, the Theurgist may re-roll any random element associated with the spell, taking either roll.
Thaumaturgist For any abjuration spell, the Thaumaturgist may re-roll any random element associated with the spell, taking either roll.
Magician For any alteration spell, the Magician may re-roll any random element associated with the spell, taking either roll.
Enchanter For any enchantment spell, the Enchanter may re-roll any random element associated with the spell, taking either roll.
Warlock For any spell associated with plants or natural animals, the Warlock may re-roll any random element associated with the spell, taking either roll.
Sorcerer For any spell associated with fire or darkness, the Sorcerer may re-roll any random element associated with the spell, taking either roll.
Necromancer For any necromantic spell, the Necromancer may re-roll any random element associated with the spell, taking either roll.

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