Sunday, August 12, 2012

Savage Worlds Wizard Tips

My wife played the wizard in the Savage Worlds party.  In order to help her track her "power" or "mana" points, I made a little bead tracker using a pipe cleaner and some pony beads.

I color coded them so she'd know when she was running out and also to prevent the accidental "flipping around" of the tracker to "refresh" the power points.  :)

Also, at the Dollar Store I found these little "spell books" from a CCG called Zatch Bell (?).  They work out REALLY well for a game like SW.  You can print shorthand versions of each spell the caster knows (and they typically don't know that many" and put them in the book.

You can also store magic item cards/scrolls/etc in the book if you'd like.  You can see a Paizo item card peeking out from behind her spells...


  1. Now if someone would Kickstart a set of these I'd put up the cash. They'd be a handy bit of kit and I'd love the challenge of keeping spell descriptions down to one side of a small card.

  2. I got some of those spellbooks just now at GenCon. The one warning I would give is the cards are not standard size, they're smaller than Magic cards. So I'll have to print out the spell cards for my again at a smaller scale.

  3. @David -- a really good idea; I'm mulling it over...
    @Roger -- Hmm. In the pic you can see a Paizo Magic Item card. It fit just fine and *I think* it's the same size as a M:tG card... Dunno. Maybe mine are factory seconds or something and are bigger...
