Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bones Kickstarter

I don't know how many of you out there LOVE minis, but the good folks at Reaper are doing a Kickstarter to expand their Bones plastic mini line.

Click here to check it out!

The stretch goals are AMAZING and if $9000 more dollars are raised, the "Vampire" level will receive 97 minis for $100.  Wow!  Here's a pic of what you get so far --

At $215,000, you get 20 Orcs!

There are other sweet perks too you can buy for extra cash, like Fire Giants and Frost Giants...

Jump on board if you like minis!


  1. Am I right in seeing that these minis all have integrated bases?

    If so, huge win! I hate dealing with the assembly. I just want cool looking metal things to push around on the table with as little hassle as possible.

  2. Just noticed that these are plastic, not metal, which is actually fine by me, and they do seem to have integral bases.

  3. @Brendan: Yes they are sculpted with bases. The Bones line of miniatures are made of polymer plastic, which is extremely durable and can take a lot of abuse without suffering any damage. They can also be painted without priming.

  4. @Brendan and Sean - yep. Integrated bases. :) Also, they hit $215k, so you can get those 20 orcs for +$25 now... More stretch goals to come! This is turning into an awesome Kickstarter AND I'm excited about the prospect of the Bones line getting much, much larger...
