Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dungeon Stocking

Over at "Blood of Prokopius", FrDave is musing upon what should dungeon room write-ups contain to make them easier to use.

He has highlighted some key text in a few descriptions from Caverns of Thracia as a way of organizing the room key.

It occurred to me that diving the room key up into predictable sections would make things easier for me.  I could focus on specific sections at specific times during play.  Areas that had no information would be whitespace in the document.  Much like empty rooms on a map, these "blank areas" could be filled in as the mood strikes you.

Here's a link to FrDave's post.

Here's my take on the same information.  This is a rough idea only.  It requires testing and refinement.

Generic Box:

Room Title Combat Info Monsters
Description Tricks Treasure

OVERVIEW: ROOMS 1-5 are covered in bat guano. When running or while in combat a save must be made every round to avoid falling down.

There are some bats on the ceiling. If disturbed (a Light spell, for example), they will panic and a wandering monster check will be triggered. They are otherwise harmless.

2. TEMPLE Saves are at -2 to fall

The ceiling is covered by a swarm of bats. If disturbed (a Light spell, for example), they will panic. Visibility will be reduced to 5’ and a wandering monster check will be triggered.

3. ALCOVE Saves are at -2 to fall

Same as Room 2. In addition, there is a broken statue of an Atenist priest. There trails in the guano that lead to both Rooms 4&5. If disturbed (a Light spell, for example), they will panic. Visibility will be reduced to 5’ and a wandering monster check will be triggered.

4. CHAPEL Saves are at +4 to fall down. 8 Giant Centipedes (small, non-lethal): AC9; HD 1d2; HP 2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1; ATT 1 Bite (Poison, save at +4 or be at -4 on all rolls for 2d4 days).
The door to this room is jammed shut (-1 on opening). Within the rubble of a winged statue are Giant Centipedes. Several dead centipedes litter the floor.

60gp, 2000sp, and a gold & silver Atenist holy symbol worth 65gp.

5. CHAPEL They are recovering from a battle with the centipedes in Room 4. Numbers in brackets indicate poisoned kobolds — they are at -4 on all rolls. 14 Kobolds AC6; HD 1d4; HP [4],[3],[3],[3],[3],[3],3,3,2,2,2,2,2,1; ATT 1d6.
The door to this room is ajar. There is rubble from several statues that have been broken beyond recognition. If the rubble is removed, they will reveal a discoloration in the wall where the secret door is.

Each kobold carries 3gp. The leader (4hp) has a gem worth 25gp.


  1. Love this!

    One thing: separate the description that is obvious to the PCs from that which is hidden.

    For example:

    Within the rubble of a winged statue are Giant Centipedes.

    That should probably not be in the description.

  2. I am seriously intrigued, because I am a very visual guy and this has the potential of organizing things in exactly the kind of visual way that I could use at the table.

    I am also torn. Ultimately, I really want a way that allows a Referee/DM/LL/whatever you want to call it to be able to have a map right next to the key in a three ring binder and never have to flip a page.

    This technique would take up a lot of space on a page, necessitating page turns; however, in a published dungeon I don't know if that is a realistic goal.

  3. Brilliant. Simple and elegant and to the point.
