Friday, May 18, 2012

Jolie the Beautiful

My friend DB, drew this picture of the Goddess of Beauty, Jolie some years ago.  He found her again recently and I made a scan.

Here she is.  BTW, use the name "Jolie" dates back to 1988 and is based on the French I learned in HS.  No connection to a certain Angelina...  :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. SAROE -- :) It's just a sketch so far, not even near to being done. I'm just happy that DB shared it with me. I love when players contribute "stuff" back to the game!

  3. I was actually making fun of Angelina Jolie, not the sketch. There were tons of pix of her thrusting out her right leg from her dress at the oscars this year. And it seems she's never met a meal she couldn't refuse to eat.

  4. SAROE -- Oh! Hah! LOL! Thanks!

  5. Like I said in the Drogo pic... it was a very "rough" sketch done in pen and it was a Looooong time ago when my skills were skill in their infancy. I knew you'd get a kick out of seeing old stuff just as I was to find them. I had forgotten that I'd even attempted to do them!
