Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One-Page Dungeon Megadungeon

The 2012 One Page Dungeon Contest has been announced and I'm planning to enter again.  You should too!

Last night, I had an idea that I thought I would run past all of you, my intrepid readers.

What if we collaborated on our 1PDs to make a multi-1PD Megadungeon?

Inspired by the likes of Stonehell, I thought we could each create a quadrant of a level, based on a 3x3 or 4x4 set of geomorphs...

You wouldn't NEED to use geomorphs, but your quadrant should be "geomorph compatible" so that our sections could link together...  Each contributor would be randomly designated with a level number, let's say 1, 2 or 3 (maybe more if more people are interested) and a quadrant NE, NW, SE, SW...

Then, each of us would create a theme, maybe creating a suitably evocative name using Matt Finch's Tome of Adventure Design...

Finally, each of us would create and share two "links" from your section of the dungeon to another section.  One link would connect to the same level and another link would connect to a deeper/upper level.  Here's a raw sketch that helps me envision what I mean...

A simple example might be a locked door on your level that can only be opened by a key found one level down in another author's quadrant.  Make sense?

Anyway, is anyone interested in collaborating on this?  If so, please drop me an email at wilmanric at gmail.  Put "1PD-Megadungeon" in the subject if you would be so kind...  I'm happy to coordinate all the random interconnections and I'll mock up a nicer 3D map that shows how all of our levels interconnect.  :)

If I could get a "dirty dozen" of us together, we could make the first three levels with ease!  

I hope to hear from a few of you!  I think it would be a very cool project!!

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