Saturday, October 29, 2011

Earning Achievements in Video Games

OK, I don't play video rpg games.  I like them and I have in the past.  Might and Magic, Wizardry, and the Legend of Zelda were all cool.  I liked Elder Scrolls, but I never finished it.  I did finish Myst and Riven.

I just don't get the point of THIS

From this page

First of all, having to play the piano 2000 times is asinine.

Second of all, this "hack" is like giving the GM in a face-to-face game a flowchart and telling them to execute it and you'll be back when the character is 20th level...

I just don't get it...


  1. Agreed. This is why the only achievements I get when I play games are the ones you get by accident... like in Mass Effect, I'll get an achievement for using a useful power over and over again, but I get it because the power is useful, not because I want to get some points that let me....

    ...have more points?

  2. With the Japanese games, this sort of thing came about because of the way their videogame market works. If a game is returned in less than a week, the purchaser gets a near (if not complete) total refund on their purchase.

    The developers didn't like this, and came up with various methods to make people play the game longer such combat grinding and doing certain actions to unlock the complete game.

    Of course, with the advent of achievements in videogaming, this can get to be pretty crazy after a while.

  3. With the Japanese games, this sort of thing came about because of the way their videogame market works. If a game is returned in less than a week, the purchaser gets a near (if not complete) total refund on their purchase.

    Holy crap does this explain a lot...

  4. You open up a random page in your DMG, roll percentage dice, hand him back his flowchart, and sadly inform him that his character died of dysentery at Level 3 and a goblin hobo stole his shoes.

  5. You might be interested in this article, which is a long read on exactly this sort of phenomena in video games:

    Who Killed Video Games (a ghost story)
