Thursday, July 7, 2011

More Monster Illustrations

Tony over at the Savage Sword of Scadgrad has kindly offered to do some monster drawings for the Massive Monograph of Malignant Malifactors!

This is AWESOME!

I have some excellent artists onboard and I'm just thrilled with what Tony drew up.

Go over to his blog and take a look!  Wonderful stuff!  Thanks again Tony!

He has kindly offered to draw up some (well not some, ALL of the) demons too!  I can't wait to see them.

Now to get C finished so we can get on to D!


  1. Very cool, indeed. Anticipation builds!

  2. Also, did you put out a call for illustrations somewhere that I am missing?

  3. @Trey -- thanks. I think so too!
    @Theodric -- I seem to remember posting for volunteers, but I didn't make a big deal out of it. :) Would you like to join in? I'd love to have you if you are interested. wilmanric/gmail Let me know!
