Monday, May 9, 2011

Water Bottle Cap Monster Tokens (DIY Miniatures)

My wife is drinking a lot of bottled water.  Setting aside whether this is a good idea (we do recycle all the bottles) I took a hard look at all those plastic caps and I had an idea.  I asked her to save them all for me and I dumped them in a zipper bag.

Well, it turns out that the caps are just about 1" in diameter.  So, I figured I could use them as "do it yourself" tokens.  I have a 1" diameter hole punch and a lot of old Magic cards to sacrifice...

I punched a small hole through the cap with a nail so that I could more easily pop the card out of the cap if I wanted to change the image.  No sense gluing them in or chucking them if an NPC or monster dies...

Here's the final results: pop the pics in and out with ease.  They have enough "heft" that they don't slide around too much on the board.  



  1. That is an extremely creative idea. I never would have thought of that. And they look great too!

  2. That’s a very inventive idea about how to make the tokens a little more resistant to being blown about by someone opening a book.
