Monday, April 11, 2011

Fat Dragon - EZ Tiles - Wilderness Ruins

Fat Dragon Games, makers of 2D and 3D dungeon tile PDF's sent me an email with a coupon for $1 off their newest creation, "The Wilderness Ruins."

For $2.99, I couldn't resist.

The PDF comes with 10 tiles that are similar, but have some differences built in.  The best part is that you can turn features on and off to compose the tile that you'd like.  Here are a couple of screenshots:

In this one, you can see that everything is turned ON.

In this one, I've turned off the stairs, the statue and the pedestal.  Same tile; different options.

I've posted about upcycling cardboard to make dungeon tiles before, so I did it again.  I printed 10 different tiles (each 6x6) and spray glued them to thin cardboard.  The result is a set of ruins that I can build into many different configurations.  Here are just a few (sorry about the blur -- phone camera)

They are slightly larger than the tiles I used in my 1PD Entry 2011.  They'll work just fine together.  In fact, these tiles are PERFECT for use as the temple ruin that is just above my dungeon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is very cool. I just read your article about making your own dungeon tiles...I think I'll have to give that a try. Many thanks.

    Ed Green
