Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Queston Map

Tony over at roleplay-geek blogged about a method to make a GoogleMap out of your campaign map.  You use a site called http://www.maplib.net/.  You need to sign up for a free account first.

I thought I'd give it a try and the results are below.

Although my blog is CC -- this map is copyrighted by me.  Sorry.  I might want to include it in a book someday and I worked really hard on it a few years ago.  :)

There are many cities/places on the map itself.  The current CotMA campaign takes place just outside Ravensport on the island kingdom of Whair.  The distance between the hash marks is 10 leagues.

I really like this tool and I expect to use it more and more.  Check it out!


  1. Wow, that's really cool. Are you planning on just using the map yourself as a reference or are you going to incorporate it into your game for your players somehow?

  2. I'm thinking that I'll make it available to the players. As things are discovered, I think I'll mark them on the map. We'll see... It is a cool tool though...
