Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Gelatinous Cube - Redux

I was at the Dollar Store the other day looking for odds and ends when I came across these glass "cups".

I don't think they are for beverages -- rather I think you are supposed to put candles or table arrangements in them.  At the very least, they should be filled with those glass gemstones that are all the rage...

Anyway, here are a couple of pics.  I think it makes a fine gelatinous cube AND it has the upside of being able to engulf targets.  Delicious!
Poor Sven has been engulfed by the 'cube!


  1. I did the same thing awhile back. Great minds think alike I suppose! : )

  2. That actually looks pretty good! I'm not usually too fond of a lot the home-made gelatinous cubes that I've seen, probably because of the sharp-edges and square corners, but this works well.

  3. @All -- if I can find a greenish glass one -- I'll be very happy! Thanks for the comments!

  4. Bonus: It's bottoms up after the beast is killed! :)
