Monday, January 17, 2011

In Search of Kelandor's Gold

I have a standing search on eBay and other engines for Judge's Guild modules and books.  I love their stuff for it's quirkiness and I enjoy mining it for mad, wonderful details that I can use in my campaigns and adventures.

My Google Reader search showed me this module, "In Search of Kelandor's Gold" and a picture of its cover --

Well, I've never heard of this module.  I don't know if it's any good at all, but the cover... the cover... there's something so... I don't know... familiar about it.

One quick Google image search revealed where I'd seen this image before.  :)  Enjoy!


  1. Funny thing is that when I saw the thumbnail on my blog roll, I thought "is that Luke Skywalker?"

    Nice catch, I love it when people spot these things.

  2. That is funny. I wonder, did the artist think "Uh, no one will ever notice. This Star Wars thing is a weak fad and will be forgotten soon."

    - Ark

  3. BTW, there's a review and discussion of the module at Dragonsfoot, including commentary from its creator.

    And damn, that cover's shameless.

  4. Jim, you don't think that picture of Sharky that I have on my character sheet was hand-drawn, do you?

    It was someone else's drawing of some kind of spy guy dressed in black and carrying a pistol, running away from a helicopter shooting at him. I liked the action in the picture, so I traced the guy on the sheet of paper, and drew his armor, shield and sword. ;)

    ;) JD

  5. @JD -- difference is, you weren't selling your picture of Sharky as the cover of a module for $3.00 in 1982! :)

  6. Speaking as the artist, I had nothing to do with the cover art. And yeah, I have been getting it called Luke Skywalker for 30 years now. The character on the front is, however, Kirbye Yordeste - a thief in the module.

    1. Gregory,

      Thank you for your insights and your reply. I appreciate you taking the time to post.

  7. Speaking as the artist, I had nothing to do with the cover art. And yeah, I have been getting it called Luke Skywalker for 30 years now. The character on the front is, however, Kirbye Yordeste - a thief in the module.

  8. My grandfather, Bob Bledsaw, brought my (the artist) that pic of Luke Skywalker, and said "I want him, dressed as a ranger, with silly little critters hiding about." And that's how the cover was made.

  9. A ranger huh? Well, now we know that it was in fact done after Luke. Looks more like Kirbye than a ranger to me though:) But hey, if that was what Bob wanted!
