Monday, December 27, 2010

The Shallowness of my Blog (plus Crafts!)

Out there, in the Blogosphere, Zak S is posting this awesome summary of what old school means to him.  If you haven't read it -- do so now.  Go ahead.  I'll wait here.

Oh good, you're back.

I always WANT to post something that thoughtful, profound and erudite, but I never get around to it.

Oh well.  Maybe some day...

I did make something cool while you were away -- look!  It's an old school dice rolling tray!

I bought a little un-finished wooden tray at Hobby Lobby for $0.99 and a sticky black foam sheet for $0.79.  Then I scanned and printed out some of my favorite pics on my laser printer.  I used the Erol Otus art twice because it fit the length of the tray just right...

A little black paint and a little Mod Podge later and PRESTO! you've got a nice little tray to roll dice in.

The pictures wrinkled up a bit when I glued them down, but it still works just fine!


  1. Brilliant! Love it!

    BTW, as great as it is to read posts like Zak's, posts like that are a little too heavy for regular consumption - so there's absolutely nothing wrong with keepin' things light. :D

  2. Well, that's a very nice dice tray.

  3. Don't sell yourself short. I like your posts just fine.

  4. I know the feeling. Good work on the tray, and steady as she goes! ;)

  5. Awesome, thanks for sharing. I'm going to have to make something like that. (Actually, I'll con my wife into it, she's very handy with craft-related stuff) :D
