Sunday, November 14, 2010

Art Books

The Paladin in Citadel was musing about spending good money for an art book.  I wouldn't.

What I would do is convince my talented sister to (ahem) copy interpret some of my favorite art in prismacolor pencils.

Here they are:

She's really good.

Don't know if you can see this in the image above, but she's hidden "easter eggs" in the Raistlin pic.  See if you can find the logo of a favorite band AND if you can tell what's inside the crystal ball...

Edit:  Here's the relevant part -- probably gives it away...


  1. She's good!

    Can't zoom in enough to find the easter eggs tho'

  2. @Tenkar -- I added a close-up...

  3. Are those original art-pieces?

    She appears to be quite an accomplished artist!

  4. @Paladin -- they are "interpretations" of art from Dragonlance and that Dragon cover by Denis Beauvais. She's quite good.
