Monday, November 8, 2010

4e Displacer Beast

Here's a sneak peek --

The displacer beast has always been a favorite of mine.  I don't know about you guys, but the new displacement rules seem pretty harsh with this new beastie...   Now you have to hit (roll high enough) AND the number has to be EVEN!

Only HALF of your successful hits are going to actually hit.  Wow!  That's tough...

Here's a page from the old 2nd Ed Monstrous Compendium -- I don't have anything else handy...
This 'beast is only AC 4 and you take a -2 penalty to hit.  Quite a bit easier to handle than AC 23 with only a 50% chance that your successful attack roll will hit.  

Hope I don't see any of these beauties in my 4e game...  :)


  1. ...note to self...

  2. I looked closer at the beastie, since you are going to encounter them in the next room anyway, I thought I should brush up...

    ...anyway, I see this for his Illusion power:

    When a melee or a ranged attack hits the displacer beast, if the player rolled an odd number on the attack roll, the attack misses. If the player rolled an even number on the attack roll, the attack hits as normal, and the beast loses this trait until the start of its next turn.

    The trick here is that when Hero #1 hits, then everyone else (until the beastie can move and "reset" his illusion) knows exactly which one is the right beast to attack.

    The trigger power is good too, you miss and realize the the real one (maybe) is actually OVER THERE...LOL
