Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This makes me tired...

Just looking at this exhausts me.  Don't get me wrong -- big bad monsters are fine; stat blocks (that are readable) are fine; cool powers are fine --

This just turns my brain OFF in a way that I can't describe...  I'm sure the creator of this beastie is a fine human being and I'm sure that he enjoys his game and kudos to him for that.

I can say with certainty that I won't be running a 4e game -- EVER!


  1. Oh dear God! I thought stat blocks for 3E were insane...

    My brain would explode trying to run this creature, never mind trying to stat up my own NPCs and monsters.

  2. A regenerating minotaur with 390 hit points but worth only 1250 xp value and having an intelligence, charisma, and wisdom of 13. hmm, 4e really is different

  3. My brain is too small to handle games like this...
