Tuesday, October 26, 2010

...and our Intrepid Heroes come upon some Strange Wells...

The Dollar Tree by my house sells "Pirate Compasses" in a four-pack (I ruined one).  They seemed like just the thing to confound the heroes...

You gently take the gold needle out (pull straight up) then you take the compass rose out.  Using the point of a knife, you can flip the cardboard right out.  Flip it over and draw "mystic runes" on it.  I chose ABC, DEF, XYZ just for ease of communication.  I also chose only 3 per well so that the needle could clearly be oriented to one rune only.

It cost $1.08 with tax and I think they will supply plenty of dungeoneering fun for my players...


  1. Man, I love that idea! I've been eying some LED tea lights to place inside of my MBA houses. I love the dollar store!

  2. @Christian -- have you seen Mike Shea's photostream on Flickr? Here's a link! http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeshea/5100747431/in/set-72157603839139671/ He's got some videos too -- Sly Flourish (I think) Enjoy!

  3. Please tell us more, one of the reasons I never used minis much was because of the expense. But if I can find nifty stuff like this at the Dollar Store, then I'm all for it.
