Friday, August 20, 2010

B/X Blackrazor closed???

I've just tried to slip on over to JB's blog, B/X Blackrazor, and it says that it's only open to invited readers... When did that happen?

Seems like bad timing to close things down when you are trying to sell a product!

Anyone else having this problem? Appreciate the help or if this is a SNAFU, would someone let JB know? I don't have an email for him and (of course) I can't get into his blog!


  1. Me too. Has to be an error. He just posted about getting ready to add his Paypal button for taking orders.

  2. Thanks guys! For a minute there I thought I got blackballed or something! :) PS: Jeff -- I took a nap and woke up with an idea for an artifact! I'll send it your way this weekend!

  3. My bet is that he's working on the template to add the Paypal button. I read his site via Google Reader--his last post gave the price of the long-anticipated BX Companion: $27.99, which includes shipping and handling to anywhere in the US & Canada.

    He mentioned that he isn't ready to take orders yet--he's still trying to get organized on the order fulfillment front. To whit:

    "I'll be working on adding the PayPal button to Ye Olde Blog over the next couple days, so expect posting to be light unless I figure shit out immensely quick. Also, I'm going to need some way to track orders and addresses for mailing.

    "For those who absolutely cannot wait, I am heading down to Gary's today to sell the first couple, so you can buy it retail if you're in Seattle."

    I'm just waiting to order one, as I will be going on an indie RPG supplement spending spree soon (and yes, Jim, I'm going to be ordering the Wilderness Alphabet, too!).

  4. @Matthew -- thanks for the info and the support! I'm looking forward to his BX Companion, so I hope he gets that fixed soon! Wish I lived in Seattle!

  5. Is this place where folks gather to protest the sudden unavailability of B/X Blackrazor? Argh!

  6. It's back and JB is now taking orders.

  7. Maybe it got fixed, cuz it works for me. :)

  8. I got onto his site as well, and just put my order in for the BX Companion.

    JIm, is there any way to order your wilderness Alphabet, other than Lulu? Lulu puts the boots to us Canadians, when it comes to shipping costs.

  9. Thanks to all for the BX Blackrazor info! It's up and running and I'm glad. @Paladin -- I sent you an email!
