Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wilderness Alphabet Book: Published!

Well I've done it.  I've published my own book, "The Wilderness Alphabet".  You can find it here.

Thanks again to Michael Curtis for giving me the go-ahead to run with my idea after I discovered his excellent work on "The Dungeon Alphabet".

Thanks to my wife who has put up with me hunched over my computer for weeks.

Thanks also to my two proofreaders, Norman Harman and Dave Bargman.  I appreciate the feedback from both of you!

The book comes in at 65 pages, but about 5 of those pages are blank (I wanted some padding in there aesthetically).  I've culled the interwebs for some interesting public domain art to make the tables and the book more visually appealing.  I've put in several of my own amateur art pieces.  I'm not terrible, but I'm not a professional artist either.

The book has many standard "roll a die" tables, but I believe that each entry has some interesting flavor text to go with your roll.  I did my best to come up with as many unique and creative ideas as I could.  I hope that you find them useful (if you buy the book!)

If you run on over to Lulu, you can see the tables for A-D.  They're pretty straight forward, but I think that the entries are fun and will get your GM juices flowing.  Some of the other tables involve rolling multiple dice and cross-referencing, but I'm keeping those secret!  :)

There's still 22 more letters AND a set of several bonus tables that aren't available in the preview.  :)

(PS: I went with the green cover for the paperback -- I couldn't find a red that I liked with the cover art)

Edit: here's a Wordle of the text in my book.  I think it's kinda interesting...


  1. Very nice! Any idea when a PDF version might be forthcoming?

  2. @Jarrah -- I want to re-do the layout and make sure that bookmarks are working first. Gimme a month or so...

  3. Awesome. Because, as soon as that's out, I'm sooo buying a copy. I'd buy the physical book, but I live in Australia, so lulu would charge my soul for shipping.

  4. Sorry about the delay -- It's just that the bookmarking doesn't work yet. I have an iPad and without the bookmarking, it's a pain. Just wasn't thinking "bookmarks" when I laid the whole thing out the first time. Won't make that mistake again. :)

  5. @Jarrah -- the eBook is done. Check out my most recent post. Just an FYI. :)
