Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Well, look what arrived today...

It's a copy of my "Wilderness Alphabet Book"!

It's a hard copy, cuz it's my first book ever!  It will be available as a perfect bound (thin) paperback at Lulu soon!  I need to give it another serious look over before I'm satisfied.

Here are some pics!  Hope you like it!
The cover on the paperback will be REDish (in honor of the Moldvay Basic Book)

Sorry it's blurry -- I haven't eaten dinner yet and I'm taking the picture with my phone one-handed.  ;)

Ugh!  I'd re-post but it's MEGADUNGEON nite and I've got to get ready!


  1. I like it! If you offer it in hardback, too, you'll sell at least one of that cover to me.

  2. Congrats! As soon as it's available, I'll be sure to include it in the News!

  3. Very Sweet, I had to look up Lulu to find out what it is, I'm such an old fart.... Good luck and please let us know when we can get one.

  4. That looks great!

  5. Hey Jim,

    I just wanted to congratulate you HERE on becoming a professional, published author! You rock, dude!
