Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Damage Changes by Character Level?

... this is from the 4e errata over at Wizards.
I don't play 4e, but apparently if you are 1st level and fall in a pit, you take 1d8+4.

If you are 16th level and fall into that same pit, you take 3d8+11.

It makes my head hurt.  It *really is* a very different game.  :)


  1. this makes me want to cry a little

  2. Edit before posting: Man, this is a wall of text, I shouldn't try to comment before 6am.

    16th level characters just walk around pits that 1st level characters break out the rope for. Pits 28th level characters have to jump across, 1st level characters just consider impassable walls.

    (alternatively, pits don't care about how good you are at turning away blows and dodging attacks, they'll still chop away a percentage of your health however much you have)

    I don't really know why they're referring to the character level here - this is a chart for the monster/trap level, so it's only the character level if they're facing same-level monsters. Most encounters tend to have monsters from a couple of levels.

    ze bulette: why? It's DM advice. Transparency is good - in previous editions DMs usually did exactly the same thing, except that instead of a table they had to read the entire monster manual and figure out roughly how much damage things were doing on average. It's not absolute - nowhere near all 1st level monsters do 1d8+4 damage. Actually, just looking at a few random 16th-level ones, I see something doing 2d8+2d6 (fire) +10 ongoing fire when they take fire damage within 25' of the monster, something doing 3d6+7 and immobilising the PC, something doing 1d10+5 damage but marking the PC for an encounter attack that lets every elemental beast nearby get a free attack in on them... and something doing 2d12+10 normally, or 4d10+7 every couple of turns. A small coral dragon does 2d6+9, but it can do it as it flies by and away to safety.

    It would be a right pain to reverse-engineer this table out of the raw stat-blocks. It's massively useful to have it as a basic starting point to build from, rather than having to trawl the Monster Manual and figure out wtf the designers were doing.

  3. @User - thanks for the info!

  4. That table is one of the many ridiculous things that made me decide to quit 4E. It speaks to a mentality behind the game design that I really cannot fathom or appreciate in any way. How is it a good idea to make these kinds of things relative to character level, always? It may be fair (to the point of being maddeningly uninteresting) as a game, but it makes no sense as a world in which your character lives. Why bother tracking xp and leveling up your character when you will just be fighting more "appropriate" foes who it is just as hard to kill since everything scales upwards in a perfect balance, automatically?

  5. Well, darn... meant to post that above anonymous rant under your "Another 4E Observation" post, not this one. :)
